가스라이팅 뜻 gaslighting meaning

Gaslighting meaning & easy-to-understand examples
Today, let’s take a look at the meaning and easy-to-understand example sentences of ‘gaslighting’, a new word and psychological term that is used more frequently than you think in various media and daily life.

About the definition of gaslighting
GasLighting Meaning
If we define gaslighting, it can be said that it is a psychological manipulation that attempts to make the victim depend only on the gaslighter by cleverly destroying the autonomy that the other person has. It occurs most often in relationships with high intimacy, such as between family members or lovers.

If you only look at the meaning (definition) of gaslighting, it may not be easy to understand and the words may be a little difficult to understand. It is a psychological abuse that makes the victim think that he or she has poor judgment and makes them rely on the gaslighter.

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Gaslighting Example Meaning
The etymology of gaslighting
Before looking at the gaslighting example, let’s look at the origins. Gaslighting was first introduced in the world in 1930 through a play called ‘Gaslight’. The psychological term gas-lighting was first defined by Robin Stern, an American psychotherapist and author of It’s Not Love. 가스라이팅 뜻

If you do not understand the meaning of gaslighting, let’s look at various example sentences that correspond to gaslighting. 좋은뉴스

ex) Gaslighting example
“Honestly, if not me, who will take care of you?”
“It’s all your fault.”
“You’re being ignored because you usually act like that.”
“Can’t you stand this much while loving me?”
“It’s because I love you so much”
“I can’t say anything to you.”
“Lose some weight. It’s all telling you to be well.”

In this way, gaslighting greatly destroys the victim’s own beliefs and self-esteem, which leads to loss of self-control and ultimately leads to passive change. Gaslighters do not recognize that their own words and actions correspond to ‘gaslighting’, and unconsciously repeat gaslighting without realizing it.

​Gaslighting Countermeasures and Prevention Measures
First of all, both the gaslighter and the victim can quickly get out of the swamp of gaslighting the moment they become aware of the act of gaslighting. The most important thing for a pilot gaslighter is to develop a habit of clearly distinguishing between your thoughts and others’ thoughts. It is important to be considerate of others, listen to and respect the opinions of others, even in vertical relationships such as family, lovers, military, work, and seniors and juniors.

Gaslighting Countermeasures
Conversely, if you are in a victim position, you need to restore your low self-esteem. It is important for you to restore your self-esteem and you need to keep a clear philosophy and beliefs about your life.