페이팔 은행계좌 연결 How to sign up for PayPal and how to link your bank account

I came across PayPal while looking for an overseas related payment method. PayPal is a means of interruption for payment, so you can conveniently make payments and wire transfers by linking card and bank account registration. However, as I am used to KakaoTalk and other payments on foreign platforms, it was burdensome from the beginning of my subscription. It’s not the way I’m used to doing it, but I was able to follow it step by step.

Therefore, I have organized them in order so that people like me who are looking for a PayPal sign-up method can easily follow.

페이팔 은행계좌 연결

1. After accessing the PayPal website, select the member registration menu in the upper right corner. 페이팔 은행계좌 연결

2. Optional This is a general service, so go to the purchase tab and then go to the next. 이베이스매뉴얼

3. Mobile phone verification is performed to verify member information. In this case, enter 010 or 10 to proceed. Profile setting It is an unfamiliar expression, but the content is a general sign-up ID form, so follow them one by one.

4. If you go to the Add Address tab, write the conditions for personal verification and driver’s license registration number~
Registering your home address. It is not a system where only some addresses are simply looked up like in Korea.
Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that you search for it in the Naver search engine. You can also check the lot number, street name, and zip code, so please enter it as a reference.

5. If you have followed the above steps, your PayPal registration is complete.

Next, we will proceed with guard registration. There are two ways

The first is to click Register Card at the bottom of the sign-up completion guide screen and follow the information entry process as you would in Korea.

The second is to access My Page and select <Card or Bank Connection> in the middle right corner.

Unlike the first method, the second method is also possible to link a bank account.

When finished, it was announced that it could take up to 5 days for the final process to be completed by entering the code information written in the bank as above. (It took me about 4-5 days.) It is written as paypay pte and the deposit details come in.

Now, click on Bank Confirmation as shown on the right in Personal Information

Please write the entered information. I’ve been here twice, so can I enter it twice? The reason for doing this is thought to be a system designed for security purposes.

Above, we learned how to sign up for PayPal and connect a card and bank at the same time. If you have any other questions, please comment ^^