구주소 신주소 변환 Convert old address to new address

The road name address implemented in 2014 is called a new address or new address, and the new address is applied only to buildings other than land. In other words, land is used only at the old address (lot address), and for buildings, the old address and new address (road name address) are used.

The new address (street name address) is the same as the old address in the city and county districts, but it is different from the old address in that the street name and building number are used instead of the dong-ri and lot numbers.

For reference, the lot number address is a method of determining the address by designating the land number when dividing the land.

How to convert old address to new address
An easy way to convert your old address to your new address is to use a conversion site. The recommended site is the ‘Road Name Address Guide System’, which is the easiest and most comfortable.

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Accessing the ‘Road Name Address Guide System’
The site of the road name address guide system can be easily accessed through a search on the search portal. 구주소 신주소 변환

Enter your old address (Lot number)
The road name address information system provides a new address conversion service from the old address (Lot number address), and anyone can use it for free without registering as a member.

After accessing the site of the road name and address guidance system, enter the old address (Lot Number Address) in the upper input box and execute the search. 좋은뉴스

Checking the new address (street name address)
When the old address conversion is in progress, you can check three pieces of information: street name address, lot number address, and zip code.

The street address is composed of ‘road name + building number’. Road names are designated for each road section and consist of ‘noun’ and ‘road classification standards (daero, road, road)’.

Old Address New Address Additional Information
More information
In the old address -> new address search result, if you select the map display to the right of the zip code, you can check the location of the building on the map. The degree is shown below.

If the street name address is converted to English, it is used in the order from small to large, unlike the domestic address structure, and special city and metropolitan administrative district units are omitted.

Detailed Address
The detailed address is information on the same floor number given at the end of the building number of the street name address.

When the detailed address is applied, it is convenient to deliver and receive mail or parcel delivery by providing accurate location information in the building, and in case of an emergency, you can respond more quickly.

object address
Multi-use facilities are assigned a property address indicating their location. The property address is written as ‘road name + object number + facility type’.

Basic number, country branch number
What is a base number? Roadside vacant lot is indicated by road name and base number.

What is a country branch number? Mountains, etc. are marked with a national branch number.

Old address New address Q&A
Q. What if the street name address cannot be searched in shopping malls, etc.?
If you cannot find the street name address on various websites, you must first check whether the address exists on the street name address guide website (http://www.juso.go.kr).

If the address is confirmed on the website of the street name address guide, you must request to update the address at the customer center of the site.

Q. How are road names decided?
The name of the road is decided through the deliberation of the ‘Road Name and Address Committee’ of the Si, Gun and Gu Office by collecting the geographical name, regional characteristics, historicity, location predictability, continuity, and the opinions of residents living in the area.

Q. Can I change the road name?
Available. When the head of a city, gun or gu receives a request for a road name change or deems it necessary, he or she may change the road name by obtaining the deliberation of the ‘Road Name Address Review Committee’ and the consent of at least 50% of the address users. However, the road name cannot be changed within 3 years from the date of announcement.

Q. What about building license plates for new buildings?
It is the responsibility of the building owner to install a building number plate in a new building. After receiving a building number from the autonomous district and applying for the issuance of the building number plate, the assigned number plate must be installed at the cost.