폐가전 무료수거 신청방법 Free in-home collection service for large waste appliances < Environment < Seoul Metropolitan City

폐가전 무료수거 신청방법Copy URL

Service Overview
What is the free in-home collection service for large waste home appliances? This is a service in which a dedicated collection team visits your home and collects large waste home appliances that are heavy and difficult to transport, without charging a discharge fee or transporting them to a designated location.

Service promotion background
In the past, if you purchased a new product and did not immediately dispose of the waste product, you had to hand it over to a waste collector for free or charge, pay a discharge fee to the local government, and transport it directly to the discharge location.
However, most waste home appliance collection and processing companies do not have appropriate facilities and cause environmental pollution.
For example, the refrigerant in a refrigerator causes a greenhouse effect, so it must be collected with appropriate equipment. However, if this is not done and the cooler is removed, refrigerant, oil, and other heavy metals will flow indiscriminately into the air, soil, and rivers without being filtered.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Environment, local governments, and home appliance manufacturers have implemented the ‘Free Large Waste Home Appliance Collection Service’ to help people conveniently dispose of waste products and to ensure environmentally friendly disposal.
Seoul Metropolitan Government in 2012. A pilot project was implemented in six autonomous districts in June, and thanks to the explosive response, it was launched in 2012. Starting in September, the implementation was expanded to all 25 autonomous districts, and Seoul City’s success story served as an opportunity to expand the implementation nationwide.
Service contents
Advance reservations through various methods such as phone (1599-0903), mobile (www.15990903.or.kr), internet (www.15990903.or.kr), SNS (KakaoTalk ID: free home appliance collection or weec) it’s possible.

Large waste home appliance collection and recycling system diagram

(unit: units)

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폐가전 무료수거 신청방법
