휴면예금 찾아줌 Find dormant deposits

Deposits that have not been traded for a long time are called dormant deposits. The People’s Finance Agency has created a site to find dormant deposits with the meaning of finding the remaining balance in dormant deposits.

휴면예금 찾아줌

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A summary of how to use the service to find dormant deposits
In 2020, they said that they paid a dormant deposit of 243.2 billion won through the service to find dormant deposits by the People’s Financial Promotion Agency last year. Let’s look at how to use the dormant deposit finding service. 휴면예금 찾아줌


What is dormant deposit? 좋은뉴스
Dormant deposits are deposits kept by financial companies such as banks and insurance companies. When such dormant deposits are created, they appear on the Financial Services Agency for the common people and can be viewed and even found through the dormant deposit search site.



Dormant deposit finding site
The site that finds dormant deposits makes it easy to find the remaining balance in dormant deposits. It has a great advantage that it is easy to find because you only need to go through cell phone authentication in your name.

Dormant deposit finding site
Dormant Deposit Search Site Payment Limit
You can use the site 24 hours a day, and the payment limit paid through the site has been expanded from 500,000 won to 10 million won, so even those with large amounts of money in dormant accounts can easily find it. In addition, you can find the amount of overpaid premiums, unpaid taxes, dormant securities, outstanding shares, and more.


How to find dormant deposits
To use the dormant deposit search site, search for dormant deposit search in the search bar and access the site. After accessing the site, click Dormant Deposit Inquiry and Payment Request in the menu Dormant Deposit Management.

How to find dormant deposits

Click dormant deposit inquiry and payment application to agree to the collection and use of personal information. (To find the dormant deposit amount, a joint certificate (formerly public certificate) is required.)


How to apply for finding dormant deposits

After consenting to the collection and use of personal information, self-authentication is performed through a joint certificate. However, if you are a minor under the age of 19, the consent of a legal representative is required, so you cannot apply online.


Find dormant deposits for minors

After verifying your identity, you can view the dormant deposit. I do not have any dormant deposits, so it is displayed as blank.


Find dormant deposits

If there is a dormant deposit, the dormant deposit information and amount are displayed as shown in the screen below, and the available amount is displayed. Detailed inquiry – Issuance of dormant deposit appearance/payment confirmation – Press in the order of application.


If you click the application button, you can find out more detailed information such as the information of the original right holder, principal, income tax, and the completion date of the statute of limitations along with the account details.


Application for finding dormant deposits

If you go to the payment application, you can choose whether to pay to your own account or donate. If you want to receive it in your own account, enter your personal information and account number and click the OK button.


Find dormant deposits Donations

If you click the Confirm button, the application for payment of the dormant deposit is completed, and you can check the payment application details and the donation application details if you have made a donation. It is possible to issue a confirmation of payment of contributions to dormant deposits, and if it was made as a donation, a donation receipt can be issued, so you can receive a deduction for year-end settlement.


How to apply for a dormant deposit visit
If you are unfamiliar with the dormant deposit search site, or if you want to directly find the dormant deposit amount by visiting, visit a dormant deposit-funded financial institution or the integrated financial support center for ordinary people, fill out an inquiry form, verify your identity, and apply for payment.


How to apply for a dormant deposit visit
For related inquiries, please call 1397 without an area code, and the payment application can be made 24 hours a day, so we recommend that you check it once when you have time.

Find dormant deposit FAQ
1. What is the procedure for confirming and paying the dormant deposit for the deceased (heir)?
After applying for heir inquiry on the dormant deposit search site, you can fax the required documents to 02-6000-9225. The processing period takes 2-3 business days, and payment requests must be made by visiting a financial company or the integrated financial support center for ordinary people in person.

2. Can I receive payment to someone else’s account other than my own account?
Only your own account can be used online, and you must visit the center and apply for another account in person.

3. When will the deposit be received after applying for payment?
If you apply using the Dormant Deposit Locator website, payment will be processed to your account within 10 to 15 minutes.


Find dormant deposit Deposit date

In 2020, it was revealed that there are many dormant accounts that are dormant deposits amounting to 243.2 billion won. Therefore, I may have a dormant deposit, so I think it would be good to check it through the site once in a while. In 2021, it is expected that the dormant deposit amount will be higher this year. If you have not yet applied, please do so to protect your money. thank you