홈플러스 인터넷쇼핑몰 이용방법 Let me show you how to use the Homeplus Internet shopping mall!

Hello! Today, for those who use Homeplus, I’m going to tell you how to use the “Homeplus Internet Shopping Mall”. After reading this article, I’ll let you know so that people who use the Internet shopping mall can find and use the product they want more easily and comfortably.

Homeplus Shopping Mall Shortcut
How to use Homeplus Internet Shopping Mall
First of all, to use the Homeplus Internet shopping mall, you should access the site first! I’ll upload the link above. You can click it right away to check it out, but if it’s not the link, you can find it easily by searching ‘Homeplus Internet Shopping Mall’ in the search box.

Below is the main site screen. 홈플러스 인터넷쇼핑몰 이용방법
How to use Homeplus Internet Shopping Mall
As you can see from the site above, if you go to the main page, you can see various products and discount information at a glance, and you can check various new products, real-time best products, alcohol, and special products at once, so it’s easy to use! jasminevista.com

Homeplus membership registration and login
If you have entered the site, you must sign up and log in to use it smoothly. You can sign up by clicking the ‘Membership’ button on the top menu and entering the desired sign-up method and required information. 홈플러스 인터넷쇼핑몰 이용방법

How to use Homeplus Internet Shopping Mall
As shown in the picture above, you can sign up not only with Naver login but also with KakaoTalk login, so please sign up with a convenient platform.

Search and select products
It’s very simple and easy to search for products and choose from Homeplus Internet shopping malls. You can use the search box on the website or select the category you want to search.

Below is the search window screen.

Below is the category part.

The search method is similar as anywhere, but it is conveniently composed of products that appear and explanations, so anyone can easily understand and find the product once they see it.

The payment method is the same as any other site! You can click “Pay with the product you want in your shopping cart,” and you can easily shop on the same-day delivery benefits and Naver, so it will be easy to look around and use.

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Finishing how to use Homeplus Internet Shopping Mall
I’ve told you how to use Homeplus’ Internet shopping mall! I’ll end this article if you want to find and purchase the products you need quickly without any inconvenience.

Since the Internet shopping mall is a site that prioritizes user convenience, there are many people who provide various services and receive deliveries more conveniently than going to offline marts, so it seems that there are people who are looking for ways to use it.

If you have any difficulties while shopping, please feel free to use our customer support service!