토스 계좌 연결 해제 Disconnecting your Toss account is easy and fast! Summary of 10 methods

Disconnecting your Toss account, let me tell you what to watch out for!
There are more people using Toss these days, right? I also find Toss very useful, but have you ever linked another account to Toss?

If you no longer need an account, it’s a good idea to disconnect it. But there are a few things to keep in mind before disconnecting! Today I will tell you about those points in detail.

1. Check automatic transfer/payment settings 토스 계좌 연결 해제

Did you know that if you have set up automatic transfer or payment at Toss, it will be automatically canceled if you disconnect? Just in case, you should check the settings in the Toss app > My Account > Automatic Transfer/Payment menu before disconnecting, and change to another account or cancel if necessary. If you just turn it off, you could become a fool who can’t pay later!

토스 계좌 연결 해제

2. Check and back up transaction details 이베이스매뉴얼

Don’t forget that the transaction details of accounts disconnected from Toss can no longer be checked on Toss! If you have important transaction details, it is best to check them in the Toss app > My Account > Transaction History menu and back them up as a screenshot or text file if necessary.

3. Check whether Tospay is used

If you are trying to unlock a linked account for Tospay payment, be careful! Toss Pay is basically a method of automatically paying the payment amount from the linked account. If you cancel the account, Toss Pay payments will no longer be possible. If you use Tospay frequently, you need to link another account or prepare another payment method.

4. Check whether information is retained after disconnection

Disconnecting from Toss does not mean that all information is deleted. Some information may be stored on the Toss server for up to 7 years. If you are concerned about the protection of your personal information, you should contact Toss Customer Center and request deletion of your personal information.

5. Other considerations

To cancel your Toss Bank account, you must go through a separate procedure in the Toss app.
If you connect another person’s account to Toss, you cannot disconnect it without the consent of the account owner.
Please note that errors may occur when using some services even after disconnection.
Disconnecting the Toss account is simple, but you must check the precautions mentioned above and decide carefully. If you’re not sure or have any questions, feel free to ask me!
