쿠팡플레이 가격 Coupang Play, how much is the monthly subscription fee? Let’s find out with the benefits!

FAQ regarding Coupang Play pricing: We will answer any questions you may have!
Q. How is the Coupang Play plan structured?

A. Coupang Play has three rate plans.

쿠팡플레이 가격

Coupang Wow Membership: If you sign up for Coupang Wow membership, you can use Coupang Play for free. The monthly subscription fee for Coupang Wow membership is ₩4,990.
Monthly Subscription: The monthly subscription fee is ₩9,900 and gives you access to all content without ads.
Annual Subscription: The annual subscription fee is ₩69,900 and is available at a 30% discount over the monthly subscription fee.
Q. Is there a Coupang Play family plan? 쿠팡플레이 가격

A. Yes, there is a Coupang Play family plan. The family plan costs ₩14,900 and can be used by up to 6 people.

Q. Is it possible to try Coupang Play for free? 이베이스매뉴얼

A. Yes, Coupang Play offers a 7-day free trial. All content is available during the free trial period.

Q. What is the Coupang Play payment method?

A. Coupang Play supports the following payment methods.

Credit card
check card
Easy payment (Kakao Pay, Naver Pay)
Q. How do I cancel Coupang Play?

A. Coupang Play can be canceled in the following ways.

Cancellation through the Coupang app or website
Contact customer service center
Q. If I cancel Coupang Play, is a refund possible?

A. Yes, when canceling Coupang Play, you can receive a refund for any unused period.

Q. If I cancel my Coupang Wow membership, will my Coupang Play also be canceled?

A. No, even if you cancel your Coupang Wow membership, Coupang Play will not be automatically canceled. You must cancel Coupang Play separately.

Q. Where should I inquire about Coupang Play prices?

A. Inquiries regarding Coupang Play prices can be made through Coupang Customer Center (1599-9000) or the Coupang Play website ([invalid URL deleted]).

Q. Can Coupang Play prices change in the future?

A. Yes, Coupang Play prices may change in the future. Any price changes will be announced through the Coupang Play website or customer center.

Q. Besides Coupang Play, what are the prices for other OTT services?

A. The prices of major OTT services are as follows.

Netflix: Basic ₩9,900, Standard ₩13,900, Premium ₩17,900
Watcha: Basic ₩7,900, Premium ₩10,900
Teabing: Basic ₩7,900, Plus ₩10,900
Wave: Free, Premium ₩9,900
I hope this FAQ about Coupang Play pricing was helpful.