카카오톡 차단 확인 Check Kakao Talk Blocking

How to check KakaoTalk blocking is this simple?
KakaoTalk is an easy way to communicate with other people, so any current smartphone user will probably have the app installed. Because it’s a place that people can see where profiles with photos are stored, it sometimes feels like there’s no privacy. You can also exclude people you don’t communicate with often or have a relationship with, but conversely, there are times when you wonder if you’ve been blocked, and there are several ways to find out.

Various verification methods
Even if the other person has blocked you, it does not mean that you are not notified, and you do not know if you do not recognize it. In this case, you can check immediately whether the other party is not aware of it.

Use to send money
The method is simple enough that some people know and use the function. If you click the profile of the friend you want to check, you will see various emoticons appearing in the upper right corner. If you do not see a remittance symbol like ₩ among the emoticons, it is correct that you have blocked the other party from contacting you. Normally, the icon for remittance appears at the top, but if you block messages and make your profile private, the icon does not appear.

카카오톡 차단 확인

group chat room invitation
One of the ways to check KakaoTalk blocking is to invite a friend who communicates normally and a suspicious person to a group chat room together. If you have invited a friend, of course, the message that you have been invited to the upper part appears, but if you have already been invited, only one person will be invited. You can also find out immediately by looking at how many people are currently invited to the chat room. If you invite two people and send a message, you can easily find out because it says that there is only one person who hasn’t read it, not two.

Take advantage of recommended friends 카카오톡 차단 확인
You can proceed after deleting the person you want to check from your contacts. After erasing the number, you must exclude the other person from KakaoTalk. Those who want to use this method must first delete the number before proceeding. Once the deletion is complete, you need to enable Allow Friend Recommendation in Settings to see the list of recommendations. When you have completed all of these steps, you can go into the list and cancel it. At this time, click Cancel instead of Add. 좋은뉴스

After that, refresh and tap the recommended friend on the main KakaoTalk screen to check if the friend is visible in the list. If it does not appear, it means that you have blocked it, and if it does, it is not. However, this method cannot be said to be 100% certain, but if the other person has not activated the friend recommendation itself, it may not appear in the list, so it is better to try it for fun.

How to check KakaoTalk blocking application
If you don’t like the hassle of deleting lists and inviting them to chat rooms, the app is also a good option. It proceeds in the same way as the aforementioned group chat room invitation, and you can check whether or not it is through the procedure described in the app. It is not known to anyone and the process is not complicated, so it is good to try it once.

to block
You can also see if you’ve been hit, but there are times when you want to remove someone you don’t want to send messages to from your friends list. Usually at work and at school, you often store contacts of people you don’t want. There are people who don’t even want to share their profile with each other. In that case, you can just tap and hold the name you want to exclude. When you touch it, a menu such as adding, hiding, and renaming to favorites appears.

You might be wondering what it would be like if someone sent you a message after blocking. Naturally, the sender’s window will display a message with the number 1 not disappearing, and you will not receive any contact. If you cancel it again after that, will you be able to check the messages sent by the other party before that? Can’t verify. Even if you turn it off, previous messages will not be sent, and the number of messages sent before being excluded will disappear only when you enter the chat room. There are several ways to check KakaoTalk blocking, but anyone can use it because the process is not complicated. You can’t check it every day, but it can be useful information to know.