카카오톡 고객센터 Kakao Talk Customer Center

KakaoTalk, which is mainly used by many people, as the number of users increases, the number of inquiries about the app tends to increase. There are many people who feel that it is more convenient to consult by phone rather than through chat. Since KakaoTalk has a lot of users, of course you would think that it would be a customer center phone consultation, but I thought so too! But if you think about it, I’ve made a lot of inquiries through chat so far, but I don’t think I’ve ever consulted with the Kakao Talk customer center over the phone.

카카오톡 고객센터

If so, let’s find out if it is possible to consult with the Kakao Talk customer center over the phone, and if possible, what is the phone number for the Kakao Talk customer center (´∀`)ノ


Kakao Talk Customer Center Phone Number 카카오톡 고객센터
Kakao Talk Customer Center Phone Number

Kakao Talk Customer Center Phone Number 좋은뉴스

First, I tried to access the kakao customer center homepage with a PC. I searched for the Kakao Talk customer center phone number and scoured the website, but there was no information on landline counseling at all.

I also accessed the KakaoTalk app via mobile and looked at the customer center, but there was no phone number anywhere except for the company introduction. I did a search on Naver just in case, and it was said that 1577-3754 was once the phone number for the Kakao Talk customer center, but now it is said that landline counseling is not possible at all.

In conclusion, it is impossible to contact the Kakao Customer Center by wire, and the only way is to make inquiries through chat. As a result, KakaoTalk users are likely to experience a lot of inconvenience. Now, let’s see how to send an inquiry to the customer center through chat.

How to contact customer service

Contact us
Chatbot Consultation
Frequently Asked Questions


To send an inquiry to the Kakao Customer Center, you must first turn on the KakaoTalk app. With the app turned on, (1) click … in the lower right corner and (2) click the gear-shaped ‘Settings’ in the upper right corner. Then there is [Customer Center/Help] at the bottom.

If you click [Contact Us], three tabs appear: Inquiry, Chatbot Consultation, and Frequently Asked Questions. Let’s take a look one by one.

In [Contact Us], if you write your inquiry and account information, you will receive a reply by e-mail. However, this method is inconvenient because it is difficult to get answers to inquiries immediately. Next, [Frequently Asked Questions] is a collection of frequently asked questions by KakaoTalk users, and can be thought of as help.

Lastly, in [Consult Chatbot], you can use the consultation chatbot or connect with a counselor to receive counseling. If you click [How to use the consultation chatbot], it will tell you how to use the chatbot in detail. And if you can’t find an answer in chatting with the chatbot, it’s possible to turn into an agent. Personally, I think the most convenient way to inquire is to connect directly with a counselor rather than a chatbot. By the way, you can only connect to a counselor during 10:00-18:30 on weekdays!

If you click [Connect with Counselor], after a request notification appears, the request for counseling is received immediately, and chatting with the counselor is connected. It’s a bit frustrating because it’s only available through chat, but I don’t think you need to worry too much because the counselor listens to your inquiries very well. In the future, if you have any questions, let’s request a consultation through chat like this 🙂