카카오택시 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kakao Taxi customer center and phone number

Today we will learn about Kakao Taxi customer center and phone numbers. While using Kakao Taxi, there may be instances where you leave something behind in the taxi or your cell phone. If this happens, we will introduce how to resolve it by contacting Kakao Taxi customer service center.카카오택시 고객센터

카카오택시 고객센터

And if you have any inconveniences or inquiries when using Kakao Taxi, you can resolve them through the customer center.

Kakao Taxi Customer Center

Kakao Taxi’s customer center phone number is 1599-9400. If you leave your belongings behind in a taxi, you may need the driver’s contact information to retrieve them.

Kakao Taxi Customer Center Phone Number: 1599-9400

KakaoTaxi agent connection

Run the Kakao T app

‘My Info’

‘Customer Center Service Inquiry’

Please note that you can connect to a counselor from 8:00 AM to 01:00 AM, Monday through Saturday.

Check Kakao Taxi driver’s phone number

If it is within 3 days of using Kakao Taxi, you can check your usage record and call the driver from that record.

Launch Kakao T app

Select my information

Select usage record

‘Taxi’ at the top right

Talk to the driver

Frequently Asked Questions Q&A

Is card registration required?

In the case of taxi, proxy, and navigation services, you can use the service even if you do not register card information. However, the remaining services can only be used through automatic card payment, so unless there are special cases, registering your card before using it can reduce inconvenience.

Credit and check cards such as Samsung, KB Kookmin, Shinhan, BC, Citi, Lotte, Hana (Forex), NH Nonghyup, Kakao Bank, and K Bank can be registered. (Public corporate cards include Nonghyup, BC, Lotte, (Only Shinhan, Samsung, Hana, KB Kookmin, and Hyundai public corporate cards can be registered)

The call could not be made because the lock number entry failed 5 times. How do I do it?

If the lock number entry failure occurs more than 5 times, automatic payment may be temporarily suspended for security reasons. In this case, you can contact Kakao T Customer Center and go through the identity verification process to resolve the problem.

If identity verification fails due to a name change, you can apply for a name change to your telecommunication company and then contact the Kakao T customer center to receive guidance on how to proceed through a counselor.

I want to withdraw.

You can stop using Kakao Taxi at any time at your own discretion, and withdrawal is possible. However, upon withdrawal, account information such as coupons and usage history will be deleted and cannot be recovered. To withdraw from the service, go to the [Kakao T App >> My Information >> Select Profile >> Unsubscribe from Kakao T] page.


This is how I found out about the Kakao Taxi customer center phone number. If you need to contact the customer service center while using Kakao Taxi, please refer to it carefully and use it to your advantage.

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