청년내일채움공제 중도해지 A review of how to cancel the youth tomorrow’s fill deduction in the middle

Today, I would like to briefly organize and share how to cancel the youth tomorrow fill deduction.

When I joined the company, I was fearless to sign up for a five-year…

청년내일채움공제 중도해지

I personally experienced the worries about my career and the reason why you listened to my work without any conditions

(It was really hard… Is this enough to say that I’ll be the representative?

I finished my work by changing jobs.

Let’s go

​청년내일채움공제 중도해지


The company has to deal with it first to proceed.

After processing, it was possible to check through Kakao Talk.

There is also a friendly reminder to apply by setting the same reason. Let’s go in and sign up!

If you search for tomorrow’s deduction on your 2nd,

The homepage comes out right away.

How to cancel tomorrow’s fill deduction for young people in the middle

On the main screen, click Go to Worker

Next screen. Click Login in the upper right corner.

You can enter as an individual member.

I used the joint certificate I had.

You can see the accumulated history 21 times…

I endured it for a long time, but I thought it would be hard. Let’s not see each other again.

How to cancel the youth fill deduction tomorrow, start right away!

Top Menu

Tomorrow Fill Deduction → Click Change and Expiration

The product contract management screen appears.

→ Press Intermediate Termination in the lower right corner.

Application screen 1-1

– The reason for the termination of the company appears to be retirement due to the turnover of key personnel.

(This reason is handled by the enterprise.)

– Click Find the file of the documentary evidence to insert a scanned copy of the resignation letter.

(If you are about to cancel, I recommend you to take a picture with your cell phone before quitting!)

– The refund receipt account (core personnel) verifies the name of the deposit owner with my account number.

Request screen 1-2

– Blue dotted box:

Reasons must be consistent with the reasons chosen by the entity.

(Otherwise, it cannot be processed. If you look at the Kakaotalk message at the top, you will also be informed to the workers in advance.)

– ①

If you click the refund view, you will see a refund for corporate attribution and a refund notice for manpower attribution. (When attributable to the enterprise, all amounts of the employee/company/enterprise reserves can be received.)

– ②

Press the check box that you checked.


Press the Apply button.

There is a notice that the application has been processed.

I get a call from Kakaotalk.

If there is a beginning, there is an end.

When I joined the company, I wanted to go around for a long time, and when I looked back, I worked hard.

It’s a sad and bitter choice, but I’ll work hard again in the next option.

Let’s work hard and get out of the company.)

This concludes the diary on how to cancel the youth tomorrow deduction in the middle.