이름으로 사람찾기 Searching for people by name

Searching for people by name

I would like to explain how to easily find people by name. If you’re curious about people you’ve had a relationship with, such as friends, lovers, and family that you can’t get in touch with right now, start looking for people by name or birthday.

이름으로 사람찾기
이름으로 사람찾기
Google Homepage

If you search after entering the name of the friend you want to find through Google homepage search, various person information appears in the image tab. Here, you can find a photo of the person you want to know. At this time, you can find it more easily if you use the name of the person you want to find together with the school, club, or region.


Find people by google name


Facebook home page

First, download the Facebook app and log in. After logging in, click the magnifying glass at the top right of the main screen and enter the name of the friend you want to find. At this time, you can search more quickly by entering your friend’s personal information in the order of city, hometown, and place of work.


Find people by Facebook name

Naver Band Homepage

In the search box at the top of the Naver Band main screen, enter the name of the alumni meeting of the school you graduated from, and you can check information about elementary, middle, and high schools. But among these, you can find a reunion band at the school you graduated from and go in and find a friend.


Find people by Naver band name


If you want to find a person by name, check it out right from Naver Band.

KakaoTalk Find People

KakaoTalk People Finder can find the person you want to find by using the contact or ID search function. After launching the KakaoTalk app, click the person icon at the top right, then click the QR code, Add as Contact, Add ID, or Add Contact Friend tab from the Recommended Friend menu, enter the friend name you want to find in the friend name input window and enter the phone number. If you do, a new friend will be registered.


Find people by KakaoTalk name


If you entered a phone number, you can find acquaintances through the other person’s profile in the other person’s friends list. However, this method only works if you know your friend’s contact information. If you do not know the phone number, you can add KakaoTalk ID or find it by name.


Kakao Story Find People
Although there are many SNS platforms these days, there are still many people who use Kakao Story. Kakao Story is one of the photo-oriented social media, and since the friend search function is actually used a lot, it is easy to find people who are active in stories.

After launching the Kakao Story app, touch Search (magnifying glass) at the bottom left corner, enter the name of the friend you want to find in the search box in the menu, and select the People Channel tab at the bottom. After the search is complete, you can find the friend you want to find in the result list at the bottom.


Kakao Story Find People

Find people by date of birth

You can use the Cyworld people finder. Finding a friend is easy if you only know the name and date of birth, but you must be logged in to Cyworld. After logging in from the Cyworld app or PC, select Search People in the upper left menu of the main page, search for the member’s date of birth and find it.


Find people by Cyworld name


How to find people by name. Sometimes there are days like that when I miss an old friend. Not only friends, but also teachers, first love, etc. When you want to see how people are living now and how they are living well, I hope you can refer to the method of finding people by name in this article so that you can meet your long-lost friends again. see.