우유 바우처카드 신청방법 Milk Voucher – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

우유 바우처카드 신청방법search


QHow do I receive a milk voucher?
The student or parent can apply at the town/myeon/dong office based on the residence according to the resident registration by bringing identity verification documents (resident registration card, resident registration certificate, etc.) and supporting documents (documents relevant to the student, such as basic livelihood recipient, second-lowest class, etc.).
QWho is eligible for milk voucher support?
Children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 in areas selected as voucher pilot areas are eligible for support if they are recipients of the National Basic Living Security, the next-highest class, single-parent families, the disabled, or persons of national merit. Even if the child does not attend school, a voucher is provided if the child meets the support criteria. Supports.

① National Basic Livelihood Recipient: A household receiving benefits (livelihood, medical care, housing, education) in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 1, Items 1 to 4 of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act.
② Second-lowest class: Second-lowest class* households according to Article 2, Paragraph 10 of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act.
* The next lower class refers to people who are not recipients of basic livelihood security among those whose fixed income according to Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act is less than 50/100 of the standard median income.
③ Single-parent family: Children of a single-parent family under Article 2 of the 「Single-Parent Family Support Act」
④ Disabled person: A person registered in accordance with Article 32 of the 「Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities」
⑤ Children of persons of national merit: Children of persons of national merit who fall under Article 4 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons of National Merit, etc.
QWhere can I use the milk voucher?
It can be used at Nonghyup Hanaro Mart and convenience stores (CU, GS25, 7-Eleven, Ministop, E-Mart 24) located within the beneficiary’s residence.
QWhat is the milk voucher pilot project?
The milk voucher pilot project, like the school milk meal (free), is a support project operated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to maintain and improve health by supplying necessary nutrients to growing students.
Instead of receiving milk from existing schools, we provide 15,000 won per month so that beneficiaries can directly purchase the products they want (white milk, processed milk, dairy products, etc.) using vouchers (cards).
QAfter the card is issued, is it okay for anyone to use it?
Milk vouchers cannot be transferred to anyone other than yourself and your family.
If you are caught transferring it to another person or selling it in the second-hand market, you will be subject to subsidy refund and business exclusion in accordance with the Subsidy Management Act.
QDo other recipients of school milk meals not receive milk vouchers?
As for other recipients, the school’s selection criteria are vague, so decisions are made through the Welfare Review Committee. However, many difficulties are occurring in the selection process due to the long lead time and insufficient clear evidence. Accordingly, the milk voucher pilot project changed the support recipients to standards* that can be checked through the non-face-to-face qualification confirmation service (Happy eum).
* National basic livelihood recipients, the next lower class, single-parent families, the disabled, national meritorious persons and their bereaved family members
QCan I continue to receive milk vouchers even if my residence changes due to moving, etc.?
If your changed residence is not in the milk voucher pilot project area, you cannot apply (card cannot be used). In this case, you can apply for school milk meals (free) through your child’s school.
QHow can I use the remaining balance after using the milk voucher?
The voucher support amount (KRW 15,000) is charged on a monthly basis, and any unused balance at the end of each month is forfeited, but any amount less than KRW 1,000 is automatically carried over to the next month.
Q What items can be purchased with a milk voucher? Can I only purchase domestic white milk?
no. You can purchase not only domestic white milk, but also processed milk such as strawberry milk containing more than 50% domestic raw milk, yogurt, and cheese. However, products subject to labeling containing high caffeine, such as coffee and milk, are excluded.
Detailed information can be found on the Milk Voucher website in the User Guide > Item Information menu.
QCan anyone issue a card?
no. Children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 who are recipients of the National Basic Living Security, the next-highest class, single-parent families, the disabled, or children of national meritorious persons or their guardians* can apply and receive the certificate by bringing the supporting documents below.
1. Copy of resident registration or family relationship certificate ※ The family relationship certificate must include information on the applicant.
2. Supporting documents according to (certificate of basic livelihood recipient, certificate of second-lowest class status, certificate of disability or registration of disabled persons, certificate of single-parent family, certificate of person of national merit, etc.)
3. In case of issuance by proxy, such as guardian, the identity card of the proxy issuer, such as guardian
* Guardians (parents, guardians, etc.) pursuant to Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Child Welfare Act

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