신한은행 거래중지계좌 How to cancel Shinhan Bank’s transaction suspension account

Find out about the new bank account suspension,
How to unlock or remove
How to cancel and cancel
Let’s see.

신한은행 거래중지계좌

I made a passbook at Shinhan Bank in the past, but I stopped using it because it wasn’t the place I used to use it. Like me, I haven’t used it for a few years, but after seeing it, I think there are a lot of people who were embarrassed by the suspension of trading. 신한은행 거래중지계좌

Although it varies from bank to bank, depending on the deposit and non-transaction period, you can see that the deposit and withdrawal accounts are converted like this. So today we’ll see how to solve this. For reference, it can be thought of as abolition, and release as revival.

It’s not that difficult, so if you read it once, I think you’ll be able to do it quickly. So let’s get started! 이베이스매뉴얼

Shinhan Bank Transaction Suspension Account
You can think of it as a system implemented by the Financial Supervisory Service as part of a countermeasure against criminal activity. In general, if the deposit amount is less than 10,000 won, and the unused period is more than 1 year, it will be converted. If it is more than 10,000 won and less than 50,000 won, it is 2 years, and if it is more than 50,000 won and less than 100,000 won, it is 3 years or more. In the case of Shinhan, which we will be reviewing today, it is less than 6 months, not 1 year.

Usually, it is applied according to these conditions, but even if you have a deposit of 100,000 won or more, you will need to check the notice because the details vary from bank to bank.

In this case, you have two options, you have to cancel or cancel. It is important to note that a transaction suspension account can be canceled, but only if it is dormant. (Some banks do this.)

How to cancel Shinhan Bank’s transaction suspension account
Since the procedure has been strengthened to prevent financial accidents, it is impossible to convert to a normal account over the Internet. You must visit the branch, and you must bring your ID, driver’s license, or proof of the purpose of your bankbook.

Purposes include salaries, corporations (business owners), meetings, part-time jobs, business funds, research fund accounts, etc. If there is a clear purpose for the document, ask the branch in advance and prepare it for reference.

If it is used for living expenses or direct debit, it will be carried out at the discretion of the branch, and if you have any additional requests, you can submit them.

Even if you visit in person, you may be rejected, but it seems to be decided by the staff. Each branch has different requirements, and in some places, you can get it off just by presenting your ID. And if you do, the limit will be 1, but it will take some time to convert to general.

By the way, if you can’t solve it, you can easily open a bankbook using the non-face-to-face opening method.

How to cancel Shinhan Bank’s transaction suspension account
It is to completely eliminate the account, and the preparation is otp. You can do it on the Shinhan Sol app or the website, and in the case of a new branch account, insufficient balance, direct debit registration, accident report, or an account linked with a student ID, you can do it after visiting a branch.

A password or identity verification is required, and this can be done through the app.

1) First, run the Shinhan Sol app and log in. The same goes for those who go to the website.

2) Click the trident icon in the upper right corner of the first photo. Then, as shown in the second picture, go to Management > Deposit and Withdrawal > Account Cancellation.

3) Select the appropriate account for deposit/withdrawal/transaction suspension account cancellation.

4) You can check the basic information of the selected item, check the principal and deduction details, and check the amount you receive carefully.

5) You need to confirm where you want to deposit the money, and the amount can only be deposited into your bank account.

6) Complete the Solbank authentication process.

Today, we learned about how to cancel and cancel Shinhan Bank’s transaction suspension account. If you have a history of creating an account within 20 business days, you cannot create a new one.

Or, it would be good to take action by making a history by making automatic debits every certain period in advance when you receive a notice in advance.