블루멤버스 포인트 전환 Switch Blue Members points and go to the site!

Hello! This time, we are going to guide you about ‘Blue Members Point Conversion and Site Shortcut’ and provide detailed information so that beginners can easily understand everything about point conversion! 블루멤버스 포인트 전환

Have you heard of the Bullu Members point? It’s already piled up, but it’s a point that you can pass by without knowing it. Now let’s look at how to convert the Blue Members point and use it and not pile it up!

Shortcut to Hyundai Motor’s site
What is Blue Members’ point?
You can think of Blue Members points as a membership program operated by Hyundai Motor. Points are added not only when purchasing a car but also when using the service at affiliated stores, and these accumulated points can be used in various ways. 블루멤버스 포인트 전환

In particular, the points accumulated when purchasing a vehicle or using a connected affiliate service are very beneficial, so if you use Hyundai Motor, make sure to check it out!

If you go to the link below, you can log in and switch and check Blue Members points!
Check out Blue Members’ points
Blue members’ point conversion
How to switch and query Blue Members points
It’s very easy to check the amount of Blue Members points. You can check it on My Page after logging in to Hyundai Motor’s Blue Members homepage!

How to switch points to Blue Members
Now that you’ve checked your points, the key is how to use them. You can’t use points like cash, but affiliated online shopping malls such as Gmarket, Auction, LG Electronics, and Best Shop can convert points and use them to pay for products, so it’s good to know related affiliated shopping malls!

Blue members’ point conversion
Where to use Blue Members Point
Blue Members points can be used when purchasing various products at Hyundai Shop shopping malls and can be used when purchasing new cars. Not only that, but they can also be used at various partners such as Hyundai Department Store, Lotteria, and Paris Baguette. Please check the website below for detailed usage information.

Check Blue Members Point Usage Shortcut
Can BLACKPINK members’ points be cashed in?
It’s a shame. You can’t directly cash Blue Members points, but if you use an affiliate, you can use them like cash, so you don’t have to worry. There are ways to pay with points at Gmarket or Auction, or deduct a certain amount from E-Mart or CU, so you can spend various points!

Point Cash Making TIP
If I give you an additional tip, if you buy electronic devices as points and sell them on a used platform, you can make them cash!!

Blue members’ point conversion
So far, I’ve briefly told you about ‘Blue Members Point Phone and Search Site Shortcut Link’, but if you’re using Hyundai Motor, please don’t skip this overflowing point and if you’ve seen my post, please spend it on a budget.

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