국민은행 체크카드 추천 Kookmin Bank check card recommendation

I think there is basically one debit card.

The Kookmin Bank debit card is quite popular.

Kookmin Bank check card recommendation TOP3

Kookmin Bank check card recommendation
Kookmin Bank check card recommendation

If you go to Kookmin Bank’s website, you can see the recommended types of Kookmin Bank debit card.

You will see the most popular cards or cards with benefits. 국민은행 체크카드 추천

I’ll put this together and give you some information.

Wiggle Wiggle Check Check Card 이베이스매뉴얼

The Wiggle Wiggle Check Check Card is a recommended product for Kookmin Bank Check Card, which is also on the main page.

국민은행 체크카드 추천

These days, cards need to be pretty to be popular.

I think the Wiggle Wiggle check-check card became more popular because of that.

There is a temporary benefit of 300,000 won or more of the previous month’s performance

This card applies discounts on transportation, online shopping, Starbucks, etc.

Kookmin Bank check card recommendation

Pengsoo Nori Check Card (Pengka)
The second card recommended by Kookmin Bank is the Nori Check Card.

It’s the penguin version, but the benefits are similar.

You can choose between the normal card design and the Pengsoo card design.

It’s a limited edition, so I think Penka would be good.

A card that provides discounts on transportation, communication costs, and movies

If the previous month’s performance is more than 200,000 won, you can receive the benefit.

It is a standard card that is always in the TOP 3 recommended by Kookmin Bank check card.

Kookmin Bank check card recommendation

Liiv Mate debit card
The last top 3 recommended Kookmin Bank check card is the Live Mate check card.

The reason this card is also a fairly standard card is that it does not need the previous month’s performance

I think it’s because it’s a credit card.

By default, 0.2% is earned, and 0.8% for coffee/confectionery ice cream stores and 0.8% for movie theaters.

It’s a convenient card because you don’t have to worry about it

Here are 3 recommendations for Kookmin Bank check cards.

In addition, there are many debit cards.

I think you should take a look and choose.

Thanks for reading 🙂