케이뱅크 계좌개설 K-Bank Account Opening K-Bank Challenge Box Parking passbook available at 2.5% interest rate

Usually, you have an emergency fund in the parking account of <Toss Bank>, which provides a 2% interest rate. Although it is not a frequent deposit and withdrawal, I will briefly introduce the <K-Bank Challenge Box>, which can be made into a passbook of a similar nature and receive an interest of 2.5%.

First, a summary of the K-Bank Challenge Box is as follows.
케이뱅크 계좌개설
● Interest rate: up to 2.5% (basic 1.5%, additional 1.0% if the target amount is successful) 케이뱅크 계좌개설

● Set amount: minimum 10,000 won, maximum 5 million won
● Challenge period (select 1): 30 days, 100 days, 150 days, 180 days, 200 days

● Savings cycle: 7 days
● Remark: Only automatic debit is possible from K-Bank passbook (no deposit at any time) 이베이스매뉴얼

You can choose one of five challenge periods. Now, can you get a sense of why the owner said at the outset that it was similar to a bankbook with the level of frequent deposits and withdrawals?!

It’s a bit cumbersome, but if you set the challenge period to 30 days and turn around one year, you can make it into a 2.5% parking account. In this way, you will be able to receive an emergency fund of up to 5 million won at an interest rate of 0.5% higher than 2% of the parking passbook.

Oh, but how do you transfer money every 7 days?! It is automatically debited from the K-Bank passbook every 7 days, so if you put an automatic transfer from the Toss Bank passbook to the K-Bank passbook every 7 days, it will be resolved!!
Source: K-Bank
The owner doesn’t think he will use the money he currently has in the tossbook for half a year, so he set it up for 180 days and opened one. For reference, you can create up to 10 challenge boxes. Therefore, up to 50 million won can be rolled at 2.5%.
Source: K-Bank
It is also possible to withdraw money saved in the challenge box if unavoidable. In this case, the collection amount will be adjusted automatically. In other words, the 1/N amount you put in for the remaining 7 days increases as much as you subtract.
Source: K-Bank
If you agree to the challenge box and set a password,,,, account opening is complete!!

In preparation for the upcoming With Corona era, the owner set a goal of 5 million won as a ‘foreign travel fund’ and opened a challenge box. If you open it, you will also receive a notification through KakaoTalk.
Source: K-Bank

After signing up for the challenge box, if you look at the main screen of K-Bank, you will see the challenge box opened as shown below. If you click on the area, you can see the current deposit status and the total number of payments.
Source: K-Bank
K-Bank account opening event
If you do not have a K-Bank account yet, you can win 4,000 to 5,000 won through the K-Bank new account opening event.

● Target: Open a new K-Bank account
● Benefit: 100 lucky boxes provided when signing up through the link below

>> Go to K-Bank account opening event (available on mobile)

If you open an account through the link above, you will receive 100 lucky boxes.

From KRW 20 to KRW 59, there is a 98.8999% chance of winning unlimited, KRW 1,000 wins 100 people every day, 10,000 won wins 10 people every day, and 100,000 won wins 1 person every day.

Therefore, when all 100 are opened, the minimum prize is 2,000 won, and the maximum is 289,000 won. When the owner opened 100 of them, the average cost was around 4~5,000 won.
Source: K-Bank
Above, we have summarized that K-Bank Challenge Box can be used as a parking passbook given at an interest rate of 2.5%.

I think it would be good to use it well and take even a penny with you. Also, if you do not have a K-Bank account yet, please participate in the event and enjoy the benefits.

So, have a nice day today 🙂

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