딸꾹질 멈추는 방법 (딸꾹질 원인, 효과적인 대처법, 유용한 팁) How to Stop Hiccups (Why Hiccups, Effective Treatments, Useful Tips)

Let’s take a look at how to stop hiccups today. Hiccups are a familiar phenomenon to many people. However, there are still many people who do not know the cause and understanding. Hiccups are usually a natural response to clearing air or relaxing certain parts of the body.


What are hiccups?
Hiccups are a phenomenon in which the diaphragm, which makes breathing movements, and the muscles that assist breathing work suddenly contract, resulting in a “hiccup-hiccup” sound. There are many causes of hiccups, such as eating too quickly, eating hot or spicy foods, overeating, smoking, temperature changes, and excitement.


Scientifically, hiccups can be caused by a variety of factors. The most representative and common cause is a natural reflex action to remove air. When we eat or drink, air can be swallowed along with it, which often occurs during digestion. Hiccups are a natural way to relieve the body of this air.


How to Stop Hiccups (The Radical Method)
Treatment for hiccups may vary from person to person. Examples include holding your breath or drinking water. Various methods are tried to forcibly suppress or prevent hiccups. However, we will give you a radical method that is usually more effective.


1. Stress Management
Stress is one of the main factors that cause hiccups. Effective stress management can help reduce hiccups, and you can use meditation, yoga, regular exercise, sun exposure, and investing in hobbies or interests to reduce stress in your daily life.

2. Manage your eating habits
Involuntary swallowing of air while eating can cause hiccups. It may help to keep your back straight and chew your food slowly. Also, if you don’t open too wide and keep your mouth small when you eat, you’ll be less likely to swallow air.



3. Relaxation and breathing exercises
Hiccups are often related to tension. You can use the regular deep breathing method to relieve tension and calm your body and mind. Deep inhalation and slow exhalation can help reduce hiccups.

4. Food and beverage control
One of the causes associated with hiccups is the way you eat and drink. It is recommended to avoid gas-producing foods and drinks, eat slowly and be careful not to swallow air.

딸꾹질 멈추는 방법

How to stop hiccups (artificial method)딸꾹질 멈추는 방법
1. Drink cold water
One way to stop hiccups is to drink water. At this time, be sure to drink with cold water. Cold water helps to stop hiccups because it soothes the surprised muscles and relieves the symptoms of stomach distension and the surrounding muscles and esophagus.


2. Foods with sugar
Sweet foods can make the nerves at the tip of the tongue focus on the sweet taste and stimulate the vagus nerve to stop hiccups. You can eat chocolate or sweets containing sugar while savoring them slowly in your mouth.


3. Put your finger in the hole in your ear
You can stop hiccups by putting your fingers in both ears. It is said that if you insert your index finger into your ear canal and gently press it for 30 seconds to 1 minute, the peripheral nerves secreted from the brain stimulate the vagus nerve to stop hiccups. It is recommended because it is a simple and easy method, but be careful of excessive stimulation.


4. Sudden surprise
In the past, hiccups were one of the common methods used. I have to take advantage of a careless moment and surprise my acquaintances, but even if I surprise my acquaintances, they are not greatly surprised, and it may not be a good way for those who are weak in mind and body. This is also a way to stimulate the vagus nerve, which is one of the cranial nerves.


Today we learned how to stop hiccups. If hiccups persist or cause significant discomfort despite the above methods, it is recommended to consult a medical professional.