구글 플레이스토어 환불 google play store refund

If you have made a mistake through the Google Play Store, or if you do not like the app and want a refund, the process may be a bit complicated. If you are looking for a refund, please refer to the Google Play Store’s exact refund policy and reporting method.

구글 플레이스토어 환불

Google Play Store Refund Policy
According to the Google Play Help Center, if you purchased an app through the Google Play Store and less than 48 hours have passed, you can get a refund through Google Play. However, if you have purchased music, movie, or book content, you may be able to request a refund through Google Play even after 48 hours, depending on the application. Refund request results are usually determined within 15 minutes, but may take up to 4 business days. 구글 플레이스토어 환불


If 48 hours have elapsed, please note that the refund process may be complicated as the buyer must contact the app maker directly to request a refund. 좋은뉴스


How to Refund Google Play Store
As mentioned earlier, Google Play Store refunds can be divided into two main ways. The first method is to make a request through the Google Play website within 48 hours of purchase, and the second method is to make a request directly to the app developer 48 hours after purchase.


Within 48 hours of purchase

Access the Google Play Store on your PC
Click Order History in the menu at the top of the initial screen
In your order history, click Report a Refundable Issue
Choose an option to report a problem
After filling out the problem description, click the Submit button
Refund request results and details can be checked through Google email within up to 4 business days.


If 48 hours have passed since purchase

Search for the app in the Google Play Store
Check developer information such as phone, email, and website
Request a refund by phone or email
If 48 hours have passed since purchase, the procedure can be complicated because you must negotiate a refund with the app developer.


So far, we have looked at the Google Play Store refund policy and how to apply. An application purchased through the Google Play Store can be refunded only once, and cannot be refunded again if the same application is purchased again. Also, please note that refunded applications are no longer available for use.